Quienes Somos

The Comprehensive Research Center on Domestic Violence CIVIF (for its acronym in Spanish), is a thought group devoted to the study of violence and its impact on people’s lives.

Our focus is to seek an ever deeper understanding of the phenomenon of violence, especially verbal and psychological violence and its effects on the onset of sexual, physical, financial and symbolic violence, which allows us to generate inputs for treatment, support, protection, prosecution and prevention of all forms of violence.

We believe it is vital to treat all manifestations of violence, without differentiating between these levels of complexity, with the same rigor and with the same force imposed by law to the cases of sexual or physical violence.

No manifestation of verbal and psychological violence should be overlooked, nor should it remain classified by the law as a type one act of violence, which makes it look harmless or common.

We need to make visible in the country the high levels of verbal and psychological abuse that boys, girls, teenagers, women, men and families are facing.

Before sexual abuse, physical abuse, acid burns, and bruises are evidenced, there has been verbal and psychological abuse, which includes manipulating the subject’s capacities, his/her attributes as a person, his/her character, actions and behavior, which leads to a total, partial, and/or temporary subjugation of a person, making them a victim of verbal and psychological abuse.

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