
The Comprehensive Research Center on Domestic Violence CIVIF, carries out research on the area of prevention, protection, care and prosecution of all forms of violence, as well as in the field of comprehensive restoration of rights, non-repetition guarantees, and all kinds of expressions of victimization and family vulnerability.
This initiative aims at making visible the high rates of violence in the country, and the effects of verbal and psychological abuse (M.V.P.) in sexual, physical and financial abuse, among others; how children, teenagers, women, men and families face this problem, and how they are still completely unprotected by law and by the responsible authority’s control.
We want to understand and help to get to know the particularities of this phenomenon and of course, tend to offer alternatives of change that focus on delivering new technical support to families and communities that allow discouraging these levels of abuse and considering new peaceful coexistence practices.
We need to generate deeper reflection levels, with university groups, groups of men, women, non-governmental institutions and communities, that generate participation and allow planning direct actions to address the problem of violence at its roots, possibly originating from the things that are said (M.V.P.) and their effects on practical experience (sexual, physical, financial violence, etc.)
There is a need to have legal actions to formalize an objective and conclusive jurisprudence that regulates this type of violence (M.V.P.) because so far, the regulations are not sufficiently preventive and do not safeguard ordinary citizens, leading to their vulnerability to becoming a victim in all its manifestations.


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